About Cozy dixon:

Cozy is especially qualified in helping others discover a life in which they are joy filled, present and passionate! Cozy is a certified Life Coach, Path Coach and Trainer and has worked with individuals and teams for over two decades. She is known for her wit, wisdom and ability to listen and ask powerful questions to guide you to the place you want to be.

Cozy has also trained individuals and HR departments in the communication profile called PEP™ (Path Elements Profile) and now uses the BEST Instruments Profile and VIA assessments among others for her clients . Cozy has received rave reviews for her work since 2004. From Fortune 100 companies to Sports teams to blended families Ms. Dixon expertly facilitates and moderates with amazing and lasting results. Senior Leaders, Business Owners, Families and faith based teams have experienced growth and increased community harmony under her tutelage.

Over the years, Cozy has shared her gifts of encouragement, teaching and music in a wide variety of venues throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Cozy lives in Fayetteville, AR and treasures her most valued assignment of wife and mother. She sits on the board of directors for Life Source International and volunteers her service with many. She is often heard saying "I love my job." Leaders in the marketplace and the religious world alike celebrate Cozy's delight in coaching others to discover their personal and professional success in all areas of life.

My Mission is to joyfully affirm, communicate, and encourage authenticity in myself and others...

I’ll do this by being personally real and daily staying connected to God as the strength and source of my life. By being deeply honest and surrendering to the law of love, the people  I come in contact with will feel safe, valued and encouraged.  Every person, no matter who they are or where they come from… counts in this world, no exceptions!

I will love, forgive and laugh often and try to live everyday with a grateful heart and encourage others to do the same. I will be generous and pray for wisdom to be my companion.

Ultimately, by accepting God’s grace, my hope is to hear the words “well done’ good and faithful servant enter in!  What a happy day that will be….May God be praised and my family blessed because I lived.


Cozy was trained and follows ICF Coaching standards and best practices, Coach training included 125 classroom hours with LBJ Inc,. 6 months certification and a testing process. She is also certified to train in Customer Care through INTOUCH Coaching, LLC by Dr. Rhonda S. Ellis. Also, Cozy has hours of continuing Education hours with The CaPP Institute / Valorie Burton as well as “Dare or Lead (tm) trained.

Plus, she has gained many certifications and experience over the years in training mission/vision writing, different personality profiles as well as thousands of hours and hundreds of personal clients coaching people, staffs and teams.

References provided if desired.

Who is Cozy Dixon?

 “Cozy Dixon is a hands on, loyal and determined coach.  The quintessential listener and developer of those who wish to recognize and act on their full potential.  Cozy’s ability to ask the tough questions without judgement and pressure is a rare gift.  She opens the door to a life changing journey if the student/participant is willing.  Clients of her coaching never leave the same as they arrived.  Cozy has the background and experience to shine brightly in a ever so insecure world.  She has studied and devoted her life to understanding and nurturing clients’ personalities and development theories.  Her life experiences help her to hold the necessary space while her clients grind to “figure” out their own journey.  Cozy has an uncanny ability to allow her clients to do the work themselves without “fixing” anything.  Cozy has a soul that genuinely desires others’ success, a God given gift to the universe.”   (client testimony)